These activities take place with groups of 5 to 15 people. Whatever the frequency (weekly, monthly or occasional), whatever the duration (one hour, one day, a weekend or even in the form of a residential internship of 3 to 5 days), it is always a question ofa moment of sharing, exchange and enrichment around a common subject.
I create the content of the activity and integrate it with a combination of theoretical information and physical and sensory exercises that allow participants to learn and embody the elements on a mental level, and especially on a bodily and emotional level.
The themes around which I animated and I animate groups :
Getting to know your physical base : being grounded and centered
Taming your emotions
50 years and over : making peace with yourself and opening up to a new future
Mental preparation in athletes
Racism and discrimination : developing and strengthening self-determination
If my approach to bodywork speaks to you,
If you are a group,
If you make a connection between your idea and my work